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The Deerfield Town Clerk's Office
Town Clerk Karen Day
315 724-0413 ext.223, Fax 315 793-3060
Email - townclerk@townofdeerfield.org
postal mail - 6329 Walker Rd Deerfield, NY 13502
Days: Monday - Thursday
Closed on Fridays
Hours 9:00 AM - 4:00PM
This office has an office staff of 1
Please call before making the trip to the Office, in the event I am out.
If you have questions or concerns pertaining to:
Building and Codes
Jim Maxwell - 315-724-0413 ext 222
Assessment or Questions about Star program
George Haskell - 315-724-0413 Ext 221
315-507-3058 leave a message
Sam Arcuri, Jr. - 315-826-7014
Supervisor Scott Mahardy
In the event of a Town Emergency Please contact - 315 738 0311
or by email at Supervisor@townofdeerfield.org

Welcome to the Town of Deerfield website. Make sure you go to the newsletter portion of this website to view many important events happening in the Town. We hope you find the website informative. If you have information that you would like on the website or in the newsletter, please call the Clerk's office @315-724-0413, ext. 223 or e-mail the Town Clerk: townclerk@townofdeerfield.org
January 01, 2023
The Tax Collector's Office is Now Closed.
If you still have Town and County Taxes to Pay, You MUST do so with the Oneida County Finance Department.
Oneida Co. Office Building
800 Park Ave
Utica NY 13501
October 31, 2022
The Town of Deerfield has enacted a Solar Law. This law is the result of 1 1/2 years of committee research, planning and public hearings.
This Local Law #2 of the year 2022 was submitted and approved by the New York State Department of State on October 6th 2022.
January 01, 2023
The Tax Collector's Office is Now Closed.
If you still have Town and County Taxes to Pay, You MUST do so with the Oneida County Finance Department.
Oneida Co. Office Building
800 Park Ave
Utica NY 13501
October 31, 2022
The Town of Deerfield has enacted a Solar Law. This law is the result of 1 1/2 years of committee research, planning and public hearings.
This Local Law #2 of the year 2022 was submitted and approved by the New York State Department of State on October 6th 2022.