LAW-Adult Entertainment Regulations #1 of 1996
LAW-Amend Subdivision Rgs/Zoning/Streets #4 of 2006
LAW-Attendance Policy , BAR, ZBA & Planning Boards #1 of 1995
LAW-Code of Ethics #2 of 2002
LAW-Defense of Town Officers & Employees #1 of 1986
LAW-Fee Schedule for Deerfield #1 of 2000
LAW-Fees for Subdivision & Planned Development #1 of 1999
LAW-Flood Damage Prevention #1 of 1987
LAW-Flood Damage Prevention #2 of 1999
LAW-Flood Damage Prevention Control #1 of 1984
LAW-Noise Law for the Town of Deerfield #1 of 2002
LAW-NYS Building Codes, Adm/Enf. #5 of 2006
LAW-Outdoor Wood Boiler Local Law #1 of 2006
LAW-Peddler Law #2 of 1996
LAW-Procurment Policy Law #1 of 1992
LAW-Prohibit Illicit Discharge-Stormwater #3 of 2006
LAW-Prohibiting All Night Parking #1 of 2005
LAW-Rules & Regulations of Deerfield Town Parks #1 of 2004
LAW-Satellite Dish Antenna & Antenna Towers Law #4 of 1995
LAW-Smoking-Restrictions & Ban....#1 of 1990
LAW-Standards for Street Design & Construction #2 of 1995
LAW-Stop Signs at the Int. of Crooked Brook & Cameron Hill #5 of 1995
LAW-Stormwater Mgmt./Erosion/Sediment Ctr. #2 of 2006
LAW-Subdivision Regulations #2 of 2000
LAW-Telecommunication Facilities Local Law #3 of 2002
LAW-Telecommunication Tower Moratorium Law #1 of 1997
LAW-Water Service Local Law #3 of 1995
LAW-Written Notif to Maintain Civil Law Action #2 of 1992
ORDINANCE-Sewer-Requried for New Buildings
ORDINANCE-Sewer Amendment-Problems with Sanitary Sewers
ORDINANCE-Sewer Resolution Pertaining to Billing
ORDINANCE-Sewer Amendment-Regulating Defective Systems
ORDINANCE-Sewer and Plumbing Rules & Regulations
Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Deerfield
LAW-Deerfield Dog Law 2010
Deerfield Dog Control Law
LAW-Providing for Written Notifications of Defects & Obstructions on Town Highways, Bridges, Streets, Sidewalks, Crosswalks & Culverts in the Town of Deerfield
Moratorium on Hydrofracking in Deerfield