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Stormwater Management
Program Reporting and Effectiveness
The SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), requires certain administrative activities necessary to ensure that the MS4's stormwater program is meeting all permit requirements and is effective. These activities include: annual reporting, compliance certifications, record keeping, and program assessment.
Developing and using a web-based format to document and implement the MS4s stormwater program allows the MS4 to easily report, record, assess and modify program and plan elements as needed. This module will be revised regularly to incorporate any new or modified information such as BMPs or measurable goals. Additionally, information will be made readily available to the MS4's staff, to the public, and to regulators.
An Annual Report, completed on the appropriate State forms, is required to be submitted to the NYS DEC by June 1st of each year. Accompanying each Annual Report must be a Municipal Compliance Certification (MCC) form with original signatures. Previously filed Annual Reports and MCC forms are posted below.
2007 Stormwater Annual Report
2011 MS4 Annual Report
MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification Form-Town Clerk
MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification Form-Supervisor
MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification Form-Report Preparer
MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification Form-HOCCP
A regulated MS4 must keep records required by the General Permit for at least five years after they are generated. Such records may include, but are not necessarily limited to: elements of the Stormwater Management Plan, the Notice of Intent, past Annual Reports, comments received from the public, and comments from the DEC. Many of these documents are included in previous sections of this webpage and are available for viewing by the public, MS4 staff, and regulators.